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“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

~Leo F. Buscaglia

I volunteered this weekend at a triathalon. As I was directing bikers to the right direction I tried to supply them with the right amount of positive energy they needed for their race… And it was so nice to hear after the race someone thank me for all my positive energy…This is very important in my opinion to someone when racing or just in general. I consider myself a complimentary person and I love to bring people up instead of dragging anyone down. I acquired this attitude from living in a house with an older sister who always picked on me and made fun of me. I still have that complex from when I was a child of my sister telling me I was not femine and looked manly or I was just ugly. As I’ve grown up I have overcome alot of those issues but it humbled me tremendously to other peoples feelings…

A positive word means alot to someone, I would much rather surround myself with positive people that encourage me, and since my injury I have tried to limit time around people I know talk negative. It is hard to do this alot but I have learned in life that some people do not want you to succeed and push through simply because of jealousy…. Fortunately I keep the attitude that

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my dreams and goal is too big to focus on someone elses pissy issues so I keep a going…. For instance when I get around a group and they are dogging people out I walk away and try not to surround myself with any negativity! I can’t say I am not guilty of folding into this mess before but I keep my mind focused usually!