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Focus, Focus, Focus…

My word for the day is FOCUS! I began my program yesterday that I have looked forward to for so long… I got up like I usually do at around 4:45 am and headed out for an early morning run… I kept things short since I had done so much training over the weekend and somewhat at a comfortable pace but I looked down at my Garmin and I was holding an 8:05 pace and said “slow your roll Steph” I knew I would have some gymtime at lunch and I needed some energy to preserve for myself:) But as I ran I tried to remain focused on the footstrike Matt kept telling me to do over the weekend.

And then this morning I got up at 4:45 and did 5.5 miles and had no trouble with my leg again. It was a cool morning with a little rain drops even… I ran and was most thankful as I ran that I could do this what I love again, and I am stretching & rolling as much as possible to prevent any injury to this ole leg:( Oh and I am wearing the compression tights religiously and icing too…

I have explained in other entries why my foot strike is so bad on the left side and when I started running I paid no mind to the way I ran I just ran… And really I can’t say that’s not what I do now but I’m trying to refocus myself to do more of a mid foot strike on that foot and my God it’s hard to do this! But I can and I will get this accomplished like so many other things I’ve done in my life! Luckily I have that mentality about myself to strive through difficult times and remain positive that I will succeed and accomplish this…