Inspiration Love Never Give Up Never Give u[ Share Your Strong Stephanie M. Freeman

Moments of Grace

Healing yourself is a brave step in any recovery… ALWAYS BE BRAVE WITH YOUR LIFE…. ALWAYS!

“We cannot rebuild life until we destroy within us what is no longer serving us.”

I am finally choosing to fully inhabit my body, to slay my inner demons, and to finally nurture my inner child that’s always been hurting…

I am choosing to go the distance to live my dreams, not just to survive, but to thrive. I choose to walk my own path and to settle only for what I want and deserve.

I am choosing to write to understand myself, not to be understood. I choose to share my story, not to be heard, but rather to hear the echo of my own truths…

I am choosing to be me no matter how strange, weird, and even uncomfortable it may be for others and sometimes even myself…

I am choosing to finally let go of the people and places that have taught me all the ways to feel insignificant and push me away from my light…I now am allowing it all to lead me to everything significant within myself…

I am choosing to free my past with forgiveness, along with myself… Because this is most freeing…

I choose to finally stop fighting life and flow with her, because she knows that I AM already worthy and strong…

“She traded in need for approval, validation and love for her own crown.”