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My Drive….

I had an exciting weekend of racing. I had 2 races, I did an am run on Saturday and got overall female with a time of 20:45 but the course was slightly short then I did a pm race and I got overall female with this race as well with a time of 22:12! I also got to see my running coach Mike Beeman again. He is injured but still so motivating and positive! Then today I got up at 4 am and went to Macon with Matt and got to run with another big positive influencing person in my life, Kristie Poole. I’ve spoke of her before she’s a go getter for sure and set out to qualify for Boston and got it done! I had a 14 mile long run on my schedule for today, it has to be one of the worst runs I’ve ever experienced. I went with Matt to eat after our race last night and ate entirely too much. But even though I had to throw up the whole way I kept going strong…

It is very exciting to me that I can live my life like this now. I remember a few years back when I took so much way too personal and let what other people said dictate how I lived my life and I remember when it just wasn’t possible for me to do it. Now days of course I’m older and I have learned its not anyone else’s life but mine and also I’ve learned to prioritize my time for the things that i want. And this makes me happy so this is what I will do!

I had a conversation with an old friend of mine at the PM race on Saturday and he said I remember when you had your car accident and he asked how long ago it was. I told him it was 19 years ago but i still think of it as yesterday. I will always hold those hard memories close to me! This drives me daily, drives me to prioritize my life to raise my child and include my love of running and sports. When I run I think of those nights I would lay in that hospital bed and pray to walk again!!! Or I think of being in that freaking wheel chair and not being able to get the heck out of it! It was very upsetting for me as a 14 year old child to have to spend my summer in a hospital sick broke down and being told I’d never walk run or function even as a normal kid again!!!

When I see my running coach Mike injured it really takes me back to those days! I hate seeing someone I love and admire as much as him hurt but I see so much passion in him! As much as in me! When we 1st met to talk about him training me for Boston I knew God was leading me in the right direction! He even told me he could tell by talkin with me I had so much passion for this! My passion drives me to overcome things in my life now as it did back when I was really struggling to live and I feel that Mike has this same deep passion and will definitely drive him through his injury and he is such an extraordinary individual he will come out of this with bright colors shining!