“Be confident in your path, and support others in their chosen path as well.”
Ending another year, I wanted to offer up a few lessons that were of the greatest value to me over 2015.
~ Appreciation….
A lesson I’ve learned well, and I don’t mean just the good things… This year has taught me I must appreciate bad moments as much as those excellent ones. Some of my bad moments this year I thought I would never live through have actually propelled me forward in ways I couldn’t imagine and I’m very grateful…
~ Courage…
This is an extremely rare quality in our world I discovered throughout 2015 and only by putting myself in situations to use courage. It’s taken me a lot of courage to speak of some of my past events this year and even simple things I have gone through I have always been afraid to speak of. I had moments in 2015 where I completely lost it standing in a room with dozens of people, I had to sweep up my rear end and keep going forward…. Understanding myself has been the most courageous! And the best work I have ever done has been work on myself, I highly recommend it to everyone…
Nothing speaks to the world louder than our integrity. I made a commitment to myself to walk with integrity through this year, as I have done this I have noticed people drift off from my life. And I have also noticed that I have no desire to be around those people that are not of integrity anymore, and that it is unappealing in every way to me to see people waste away their purposeful life. This is one of my greatest lessons this year, surround yourself with those of integrity and always project it yourself!
This is a big, huge word for most everyone that’s very scary. This word basically translates into nothing but a four letter word… FEAR! I opened myself up to vulnerability on many accounts through 2015. What I learned most from it was like I said above – that most people are afraid of it, which is usually true. Each time I opened myself up to vulnerability this year, I found I had so much faith, even when people were walking away from me and not believing in my dreams. I had faith behind me to pick me back up. A few wise words I can say confidently on vulnerability would be, “Do not be afraid of it.” When you open yourself up to it and you find people running from you in all directions, consider it your greatest blessing, because it forces you to call on your finest power which is faith!
Never miss a single opportunity to help another human being, no matter what it is, money, advice, listening, time, or anything… At the end, our highest honor will come from our influence on others. Keep this in mind, when you lay your head down at night. Your conscious mind will always know what you did or did not do for another in need…. This year I have opened my eyes and ears to see and listen to people’s lives. To lend a helping hand when I felt they needed it and to always give an encouraging word. I feel confident that I leave this year with a smile and a very happy heart from doing all of this!
~Learn to let go…
I learned to give up this year. As silly as this sounds,I finally learned to do this and I consider it a BIG accomplishment. All my life I have never given up, I have always been in survivor mode! I finally learned to let go of this tight grip I have had on some issues in my life this year… Letting go of these issues have been a huge accomplishment and opened the flood gates of opportunity for me. I recommend that everyone let go of anything that does not serve their life… I had to come to a place of understanding that this really wasn’t giving up, and it did take a lot of hurt and frustrations, but I finally saw it was recognizing what I could not change or do and simply letting it go!
I have always been a driven individual, but this year I have gone into overdrive – a different type of overdrive than the normal. I was finally approved for my brain trauma organization. After a few months of delay (which was on my part) I decided to step up and become the person/leader I was meant to be to execute this mission that is so important to me. And this meant I had to take two sometimes three steps back from some people and some places and step forward toward my dream if I expected it to happen. I speak often of a push I have always felt in my life and ignored, well this year my push became a shove to get things taken care of… This shove came after I had a harsh realization or two that not everyone will believe in my dream or my message even if it is very dear to my heart….
This is a quality I have always had an issue with. This year I dug deep in my soul and realized a lot of detail on this rare quality. And I learned a lot about myself, and I learned trust was something I had to have, especially from me! I looked around and noticed that I expected it from everyone, all my friends, family, loved ones and even strangers but wasn’t even giving it to myself… It takes me trusting me to know when to trust anyone and I finally see this so clearly…
I have always been a loving caring and compassionate person. I am southern bread with kindness, but when I say love is a lesson I have learned I mean I have cultivated some very deep lessons on this word. Love is trust, love is faith, love is meaning, love is knowing, love is truth, love is EVERYTHING that is anything… I have chosen to see this through 2015 and only by not having so much of it did I figure this all out…
I would say this is my most valuable lesson of 2015… Love, love everyone, love everything and let it lead you along the way!! It will not steer you wrong…
Never Give Up, Never Give In Never Stop Trying, Never EVER Give Up!!!